A little celebration.:) – The Bloggess

This isn’t a real post…it’s just a little celebration because I haven’t had enough of those lately. Yesterday I got a copy of Furiously Happy translated into Indonesian and it feels so surreal. I just went through my bookshelf and in the last 12 years my books have been translated into Italian, German, Portuguese, Czechoslovakian, Turkish, Estonian, Simplified Chinese, Complex Chinese, Polish, Ukrainian, Russian, Korean, Vietnamese, Bulgarian, Hungarian, French, Persian, Romanian and Arabic…which means that 19 different translators have had to find a way to write about George Washington’s dildo, getting attacked by wild turkeys, armadillo races, giant metal chickens, crushing mental illness and training wild raccoons to steal change from car washes. (I’M SO SORRY, SWEET TRANSLATORS.) The world is weird as hell, y’all.

But to celebrate how incredibly weird and lovely this is, today I’m giving away some signed copies of my books. Whoop! Just let me know in the comments which one of my books you’d most want a signed copy of (Let’s Pretend This Never Happened, Furiously Happy, You are Here or Broken) and I’ll pick 5 people randomly to send books to.

And wherever you are in the world, I’m so grateful you’re here.

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