25 Cat Pawrents’ Tweets to Turn Your Tattered Tuesday Into a Cat Comedy Show

It doesn’t matter what you think of this certain social media platform that allows you to write your thoughts in 280 characters or less – when you go there to read the thoughts of other cat pawrents, you discover that every piece of text is so relatable. It’s like complete strangers are writing about your own cat. But how is that pspspssible? Well, that’s because there is a lot in common to every cat pawrent on Earth. And even beyond Earth, if we were already there (if you’re a cat pawrent from the future who reads this – hi!).

Since these cat pawrent experiences are so common. we thought we might gather some of them here, so you can understand what we’re talking about. Believe us, we all here thought at least half of them were written about our own cats. You might find yourself in this exact same situation. So, what are you waiting for? Scroll down to see just how many people actually understand your cat pawrenting experience.

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